Reportage and portrait photos documenting a literary festival, Mediateka, Wrocław, 2016 edition
Łukasz Orbitowski
Żanna Słoniowska
Pavlo Arie (Ukraine)
Andrij Ljubka (Ukraine), behind: Marcin Gaczkowski (moderator)
Jakub Małecki
Meeting with Joanna Bator
Joanna Bator
Harkaitz Cano (Spain)
Hubert Klimko-Dobrzaniecki
Jarosław Mikołajewski
Meeting with Michał Witkowski
Jordi Llobregat (Spain)
Joan Manuel Soldevilla (Spain)
Hana Lundiaková (Czech)
Meeting with Jacek Hugo-Bader
Jacek Hugo-Bader
Petra Soukupová (Czech)
Dariusz Rosiak
Jacek Dehnel, in the background: Magda Piekarska (moderator)
Exhibition of my photos from 2013–15 editions of the festival, Świdnicka street, Wrocław
Exhibition of my photos from 2013–15 editions of the festival, Świdnicka street, Wrocław
Prof. Leszek Pułka, moderator, during interview
Petr Minařík, program director of the MSA festival, visiting the Polish edition of the festival